Biology - Introduction - Primary - 3 - Environment

Biology information applies to all ages from infancy, toddler, primary, to elementary, adolescence and adulthood.

 The human race has been entrusted with stewardship over all the earth. It is the responsibility of the adult to foster a natural respect for life as well as a love for all natural things. Both the indoor and the outdoor environments should be thoughtfully and purposefully created and prepared for the child.

  • Potted plants should be available indoors with tags on each one noting its required care. 
  • An indoor garden is excellent to have in areas with limited school year outdoor growing time
  • Square foot gardening is a concept to be explored for limited spaces, utilizing a raised marked off bed or plot with rotated specifically chosen plants and seeds. 
  • There should be stories about food, e.g. a story about the largest seed (coconut), with corresponding activities. 
  • The children study the parts of plants as well as leaf shapes, among other activities based on their interest.

  • The children should be exposed to animals in appropriate ways, through class pets, visiting animals, books and more. 
  • The children will learn about mammals which live on each of the continents, zoo animals, wild animals, study the parts of various animals and insects including the bird and the grasshopper. 
  • Audobon provides a bird book which comes with a CD of various bird sounds for the children to learn and identify.

Resources to have on hand:
  • Macmillan Visual Dictionary
  • Field Guides
  • Audobon bird book

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