Fourth Great Lesson: Story of Communication in Signs

The Story of Communication in Signs is the fourth Great Lesson - it is found in the Language album. This story does not open up a subject album as such, because the children have been using language their entire lives - and developing language skills throughout their primary years and early elementary months.

Some children may hear this story before they do the "key lesson" on the Hand Timeline; while others may use the Hand Timeline first, then hear this story - the ideal is to do the Hand Timeline first, followed by the Story of Communication in Signs. The story should be modified accordingly.

Our goal is appreciation for written communication.

  • Materials: The only materials are a set of 8 impressionistic charts showing some of the writing styles through time - the charts are optional during the telling of the story. If they are distracting, we keep them aside and use them for follow-up; if they enhance the telling, then they are used during the story. Using 2-3 is generally most helpful. 
  • Timing: 5th or 6th week of the school year (repeated whenever the children like)

Most children love to copy the charts and highly appreciate books and videos that correspond with the topics introduced in this story. 

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