Showing posts with label definitions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label definitions. Show all posts

Normalization: The Signs

Characteristics, or signs, of Normalized Children: 
  1. Love of work, love of activity
  2. Concentration on an activity
  3. Self-discipline
  4. Sociability or joyful work

All four characteristics must be present for us to say that a normalized type common to the whole of mankind is appearing—no matter how brief the appearance of the characteristics. The process is usually invisible to us because the process of normalization is hidden by characteristics not proper to the child. (The Absorbent Mind, p. 202)

Normalization in a Nutshell: Definition

Let's define our terminology so that we are discussing the same thing when we use particular words:

Normal: how things typically are in any given situation. This sense of normal can be good or bad.
Synonym: Typical. Ordinary. Usual. What is expected based on past experience.

Normalized: the state of being complete, whole, reaching one's potential, utterly fulfilled. This sense of "normal" is a beautiful and wonderful experience!
Synonym: Peaceful. Fulfilled.

Normalization: the process of becoming normalized.

Normalization is the single most important result of our work. 
(The Absorbent Mind, p. 204)