
Great Lessons - Materials

Within AMI (American Montessori Internationale), the following is a description of the materials for the 5 core Great Lessons to establish Cosmic Education in the elementary Montessori environment.

God with No Hands

  • 4 impressionistic charts
  • materials for 6 demonstrations
  • NOTE: There used to be a 5th chart (solar system) which has been pulled to use at another time (a follow-up telling of the story)
  • NOTE: There used to be far more demonstrations (experiments is a misnomer in this case) which were pulled out to use as follow-ups, thus allowing the story to focus on the core keys, with plenty left for re-tellings and review - going deeper and encouraging a return to the Great Lesson. 

Coming of Life

  • 2 impressionistic charts
  • Timeline of Life (a mute version of the Timeline of Life is a follow-up work)

Coming of Human Beings

  • No materials
  • The focus is on the human connection itself - particularly on love; the children can look at their own arms and legs to see that they do not have specialized protection as animals do. 
  • Note: The two timelines called "First Timeline of Human Beings" and "Second Timeline of Human Beings" are follow-up work in the history album. They are not part of this Third Great Lesson. 

Communication in Signs

  • 8 impressionistic charts showing the changes of writing styles through time and civilizations


  • 8 impressionistic charts showing the changes of numbers through time and civilizations

For further Montessori Nuggets on the Great Lessons:


  1. Thank you for this post. I have been struggling with the Great Lessons for over a year. Ive been having trouble pulling together all of the materials. Do you have a suggestion for finding the impressionistic charts that are big enough to copy? The manuals I have show some charts but most are described by number and dont even have a description of what the chart should look like. Thanks

    1. You are very welcome.

      In answer to your question, I do not know of a free online source for all the images. I have also found that some albums differ, so partly the solution you want will be based on the albums you have.

      However, I do provide the following resources myself, which correlate to AMI albums and are of some use to those using other albums:
      --Garden of Francis (
      I offer download versions of the Great Lessons images (among other downloadable materials)
      --Keys of the Universe (
      Cosmic Education album - focuses solely on the Great Lessons and the more immediate Key Lessons
      Online Support for the Cosmic Education album as well as anyone who wants assistance implementing the Great Lessons and Cosmic Education (the album purchase is not required to access the online support). Online support offers included downloads of the same chart images available at Garden of Francis, a few other download/printables, a discussion community and a bit more.

    2. Jessica
      Thank you for your response. How would I access the online support? I created an account with Keys of the Universe but it says I dont have permission to view the discussion community. You stated that album purchases is not required to access the online support so Im not sure what I am doing wrong. Do you have a link? Thank you

    3. The online support does have a small fee associated with it; it's just that you don't have to own the album to access the support. The benefit is that the cost ends up being much lower than purchasing the individual items at Garden of Francis, but there is the opportunity for discussions :)

      If you would prefer to contact me off-internet, use this contact form to e-mail me:

