
Technology and Montessori

Some articles - thoughts?

Montessori Apps article on

New York Times - Technology and the Brain

Another article about technology use in young children

1 comment:

  1. I recently read an article on Children's MD by a mom doc who expressed her personal opinion (not professional one) that it is okay to allow her toddler to use an ipad in moderation.

    In this wave of new parents using technology as a way to ward off impatience in children when they are going about on tasks, I feel somewhat like a luddite... but many luddites had good reason. I wrote a long response to her article here and I included the NY times article you mentioned in a recent edit.

    I find the last one you linked fascinating. It does tell us that we should let our hair down... and I can't understand why, despite multiple sources of information that tell us it is ineffective actually to teach to the test, and how technology may not assist in making us better at learning, these programs are still pushed forward. Well... I can theorize why, but not completely comprehend. The first one is big interests. Companies want to sell their devices, apps and tests, and the current government seems to find it a safe way to show that they are investing in education while catering to these interest. Another is the lack of information and abysmal working hours/salaries that have many working and poor families which leads to children receiving less attention at home, and parents opting for technology as a quick fix to keeping their kids out of their hair. The principle in the NY times article obviously has conceded to the greater environmental pressure of this habit and tries to foster it. It is unfortunate that the only reel for these kids at this stage is the potential glamor of reproducing the entertainment they themselves consume, because it is the only thing they know that seems to have any value. That the school administration tries to encourage this not only displays a lack of responsibility in their role as mentors (Most of these kids will never make it in show biz), but also the pressure they face in making sure their attendance and testing statistics are up to par for funding. It is a deeply repressive environment.

    Besides this, I hardly think it is desirable for each and every child to turn out to be a Vishal, or a Marc Zuckerman, or a Bill Gates. A few special cases do find their talents and passions in these areas, most children do not use it for this purpose. Growing up (even for us adults) is about moving into different stages, mindsets, and arenas; about being constantly forced to recalibrate your comfort zone. The entertainment and socializing aspects of technology allow one to mire in your comfort zone.
