
Geography - Table of Contents

Geography is another area that is interspersed among the primary albums. When pulled together, these presentations make for quite a lovely geography experience! We have sensorial aspects, language, people of the world by continent, country and region, globes, maps and more!

In elementary, it also encompasses the earth sciences and economics. Technically-speaking there is no official political geography section. We hope that the children have had the primary level experiences. We also incorporate Goings Out at the elementary age; practical life lessons in this area including reading and following maps of the local city, areas to visit (a map of the museum for example), and other practical mapping skills.

Through the child's study of history, mapping, graphing, coordinates, compass roses, and other experiences are incorporated in a "living" approach. Geography incorporates many of the "math skills" that seem to be lacking from the mathematics album (where we focus more on pure mathematics).

There is really little use for a geography program at elementary that is not, by nature, put into practical use immediately - either through Goings Out, re-creating maps on paper or three-dimensionally, including human geography (culture) or other practical purposes.


Exercises of Practical Life
     The entire Exercises of Practical Life album really prepares for geography; including the cultural aspects. Art experiences, as well as cultural experiences should be incorporated starting around age 5. First the child is adapted to his own culture until 4 1/2 or 5; then we can start drawing in aspects of other cultures for the children to experience - think art forms/styles, table settings, objects around the environment that could be polished are perhaps from other cultures. Share stories.

Think cultural experiences.


Sensitizing Fingers

Sensorial Aspects of the World
Introduction to the Sensorial Aspects of the World
Sandpaper Globe
Continents Globe
World Puzzle Map
Continent Puzzle Map
United States Puzzle Map
Land and Water Forms
Oceans Globe
Climatic Zones Globe


Spoken: Vocabulary Enrichment
Language of the Sensorial Materials (games, card material)
Nomenclature Cards – Scientific (includes flags, countries/continents/oceans by name, etc)

Spoken: Language Development
Reading and Books in the Library
Conversation – More than one person
Question Game
Cultural Folders
Extension: fictional story telling
Land and Water Form Folders
Land and Water Form Outline Maps
Biome Folders
Art Folders (cultural)
My State

Map Making

Reading Classification
Presentation I – Classifying the Environment
Presentation II – Cards with Labels
     A. Social
     B. Scientific
Presentation III – Definition Stages



Introduction to Geography
        Practical Considerations for the Experiments
        Notes on the Experiments
        Command Cards
        Geography Nomenclature

Chapter I: Creation of the Earth/Idea of the Universe
        God with No Hands
                Experiments with God with No Hands
                Notes on the Story
                Follow-Ups to the Story
        Composition of the Earth
        Further Details of the Composition of the Earth
        Formation of the Mountains

Chapter II: Nature of the Elements
        Three States of Matter
        Further States of Matter
        Different Ways of Combining
        Separation, Saturation, Super-saturation
        Attraction and Gravity

Chapter III: The Sun and the Earth
        Rotation of the Earth and Its Consequences
        Time Zone Chart
        Earth as a Sphere and Its Result
        Tilt of the Axis
        Seasons and the Two Tropics
        The Zones
        Zones’ Work Chart
        Protractor Chart
        Seasons Work Chart
        Protection of the Atmosphere and the Rains

Chapter IV: The Work of Air
        Experiments Prelude to the Winds
        The Winds
        Land and Sea Breezes
        Changes in the Winds Caused by the Seasons
        Work Chart of the Winds
        Ocean Currents Caused by Winds
        Wind as a Sculptor
Chapter V: The Work of Water
        The River
        The Rains
        Ocean Waves
        Water Cycle
        Spread of Vegetation
        People in Different Zones

Chapter VI: Human Geography
        Interdependence of Human Beings in Society
        Economic Geography
                Study of Natural Resources
                Study of Consumption
                Comparison of Production and Consumption
                Imports and Exports
                Volume of World Trade
                World Commerce

Chapter VII:  Functional Geography
 (not an official section of the elementary album; utilized for those who need to verify learning for educational standards as well as those without any primary level experience - just a list of topics to be covered in other areas)

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