
Adult - Physical Preparation

The adult should be physically prepared in considering appearance, movement, voice-intonation, and health. Overall, the adult should do whatever needs to be done to enter the environment with a positive energy level and without distractions both for the self as well as for the children.

            When working with the children, our own appearance should neither be a distraction nor a center of focus for the children. Once in a while something we wear might be a conversation starter, but this should not be the norm. Clothing should be modest, at minimum to avoid offending any parents (cleavage, mid-riff and thighs are generally inappropriate displays in the casa). Hair and make-up, if any, should be neat and not-overly done.

            Movements within the child’s work space should be economical and graceful, both in actual movements and in speed. Voice-intonation should be equally graceful, as well as respectful and not distracting to the children. For many, this is a difficult task.

            The adult should be physically fit: colds and such spread germs, decrease interactions with the children and sap positive energy from the room. The guide needs to know when to rest up and when it’s ok to come back to the casa and just be more still than usual. Proper nutrition should be followed as well as exercise and religious participation of some sort – all of these will assure that the adult that the children have come to trust and depend upon will be able to provide consistency in presence and in style. 

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